महाराष्ट्र शासन

Teacher Training Branch (34 - t)

Our alumni are doing career in various organization and some of them are doing own business. This alumni cell is done to connect in future with friends and college.

The Research Section is established from the year 1964, as per Govt. Resolution, Education and Social Welfare Department No. PTC/1063/A dt. 29/10/1963 to develope the research attitude for teacher in MSCERT.
The Research Section arranges and conducts variousprogrammes with a view to :

  1. Make available of financial provisions to Teachers, Supervisors, Inspecting Authoritiesfor finding out various educational problems and motivate them to undertake the ActionResearch Projects.
  2. Popularize the important and motivating work done by the Research Section in thefield of Education and to make available the correct information to Experts and studiousTeachers.
  3. Undertake the educational research and study projects, for quality improvement ineducation. The following programmes and activities as per the above mentioned objectives areconducted by the Research Section.

1. Educational Action Research

  1. To train the Teachers from Primary and Secondary Schools in the methods ofEducationalAction Research.
  2. To motivate the Teachers to find out the problems in the teaching-learning process andprepare an Action Research and to provide financial help to them to undertake actuallythe Action Research Project.

Every year an essay competition on the topic 'My Innovative Activity' is conducted at District level for both Primary and Secondary Teachers by the Extension Section of MSCERT,Pune. 50 Teachers from Primary and Secondary Schools, who stood 1st, 2nd and 3rd areselected for the 5 day, 3day and 2day duration. Action Research Workshops and guidanceis imparted to them by experts. The Action Research Reports completed by them aresubmitted to MSCERT. Each Teacher gets Rs. 3000/- as financial provission.MSCERT provide proper guidance to teacher by expert guide.

2. Short Research

In the year 2013-14 Under this Scheme 10 subjects were given to lecturers and senior lecturers of District Institute of Education and Training to carry out the short research.
S All these short researches were completed under the guidance of following experts.
  1. Dr. leena deshpande , exi principal SNDT college of edu pune.
  2. Dr. Jagdish kande principal DIET nanded.
  3. Dr. Vaibhav Jadhav, Associate Professor, Pune University, Pune. Booklets of Kritisanshodhan Margadarshika and Laghu Sanshodhan Margadarshika were prepared and Published by the section.

3. Bharari sanshodhanachi

In the year 2012-13 those lecturs and sinior lecturers of respective DITEs has been complected theire short researches abstracts of thes reserches was published by MSCERT named as Bharari sanshodhanachi. In that 30 researches was selected by reserch advoce committe.

4. Research Bulletin

Objectives :
  1. To publish the research work in the field of Education.
  2. To inspire and motivate Subject Experts and studious Teachers from the educational field. Guidance is also given to them for their work.

The Research Bulletin is being published since 1973, through the Research Section of MSCERT, Pune. This publication consists of innovative educational activities and projects,new ideas, information on technologies to be given to Education Officers, employees in the Education Department, Heads of Schools and Teachers. An essay competition on research is conducted for Teacher Educators from B.Ed. and D.T.Ed. Colleges, Teachers and Subject Experts from the education field from the State. The best essays are selected by the experts and published. The October issue of the year 2011 is in process of printing, at Govt. Photo Zinco Press, Pune. The copies of this issue will be distributed to NCERT, New Delhi., all SCERTs in the Country, all B.Ed. and D.T.Ed. Colleges, Regional Deputy Directors, Education Officers and District Institutes of Education and Training.

5. Annual Report

The Annual Report of MSCERT is being published from the year 2001-2002 in Marathi as well as in English. This Annual Report is distributed to all the Educational Institutions and Education Departments, Mantralaya, Mumbai. The printing and publishing expenses are borne by MSCERT, Pune.
Objectives :

  1. To acquaint the non-Marathi persons and Institutions with the educational work done by MSCERT.
  2. To co-ordinate and familiarize with the other educational Institutions in the State.
  3. To inform and acquaint NCERT, New Delhi and Central Govt. Institutions about the educational work done by MSCERT.
The Annual report of the year 2008-09, 2009-10, 2010-11 are given for printing to Photo Zinco Press, Pune.

6. Reading writing and maths skill development

In order to improve the skill of children of std 2nd to 5th in subject like language and maths a memorandum of understanding was riputed between institutation like school education dept, maharashtra prathamik shikshan prasarak mandal mumbai, directovate of edu ( pry ) pune - 1, maharashtra state council of edu reasearch and training - pune 30, and pratham education foundation a regd, institution ( under mumbai public trust act 1950.)
Under this programme 3500 marathi medium school ( 100 school from one selected taluka each of all the 35 districts is 100*35= 3500 ) coming under zila prishad mahanagarpalika, nagarpalika and nagarprishad, a reading and maths developments skill programe from std 2nd to 5th was organised 9th was expected that children should listen speak, read with understanding write as well as develop numrical knowledge along with simple calculations. All the various departments of education were involved in this programe.

Inorder to assertain the success of the programe of reading writing and maths skill developments programe held betwen dec. 2013, and march 2014 a pretest at the start of the programme and a part test at the end was conducted and the result was assessect.

A start level planning meeting was organised as 7/12/2013 at MSCERT which was attended by all edu offiaers ( pry ) one, dy: edu officer ( pry ) regional deputy director, principal of all DIETs and representative of pradhani attended.

The study material developed by MSCERT was 2 dirstributed to all the dirstricts, the following courses of action was decided.

  1. Dist : level planning meeting - 16/12/2013
  2. Guidance sessian - 17/12/13 to 18/12/13
  3. Guidance with practical demo- 20/12/13 to 26/12/13 ( excluding holiday )
  4. District level planning meeting - 27/12/2013.
  5. Center - level gaidance - 28/12/2013 to 01/01/2014 ( excluding holiday )
  6. School level teaching - 02/01/2014 to 31/03/2014
  7. Pre-test - 02/01/2014
  8. Pre-test - 31/03/2014

7. Paper Reading Based an progrmmes : -

In order to improve the educational quality of DIETS a paper persentation of quality research works was held in MSCERT between 1st and 8th Aug 2014 , resource permission from the following universities, attended and guided the researchers.

  1. Savitribai phule pune university.
  2. Swami ramanand tirth vidyapeth.
  3. Dr. Babasaheb ambedkar marathwada university A'bad..
  4. Solapur univarsity solapur..
  5. Yeshawantrao education open university, nashik.
  6. Sant gadge maharaj amravati university.
  7. Smt nathabai damodar thakrsi vidyapeeth pune .
In this programme 10 state level start research 5 state level action-research, 6 researxhes of D.Ed, B.Ed college and 31 district level action researches were presentedthe department in planning to publish some selected research paper presented during the function held 1 st to std of Aug 2014.