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State Board Of Teachers Education

State Board Of Teachers Education


State Board of Teacher Education was constituted under the control of Director,M.S.C.E.R.T. Vide Government Resolution dated 7th January 1967. There are 13 Governmentand 10 Non-Government members in this structure of SBTE. In Non-Government members2 representatives each of Primary Teachers, Secondary Teachers, Teacher Educators fromD.Ed. and B.Ed. Colleges, Deans of Education Faculties of the Universities are included.Director, M.S.C.E.R.T. is the president of the Board whereas Secretary of State Board ofTeacher Education is member-secretary of the Board.Seventh State Board of Teacher Education established Vide Government Resolution dated18th November 1999 was dissolved. Now the work has been carried out through the Ad hoc,Committee Meeting of Government Members.

  1. To frame curriculum for Pre-service and In-service Training of Primary Teachers.
  2. To verify the equivalency of D.Ed. with that of other states.
  3. To improve the quality of education at primary-level with the help of various innovativeprojects.
  4. To plan the Training programme for Pre-Primary Teachers.
  5. To plan the curriculum for pre-primary teachers training.
  6. To plan the training programme and examinations for pre-primary teachers.

Important programmes held in 2013-14.

A) Redevelopments of D.EI.Ed curriculum.
Aacording to the guideline in national curriculum framework for teacher education ( NCFTE 2009 ),state curriculum framework 2010 ( SCF-2010), right to elementary education 2009 ( RTI 2009 ), national curriculum framework ( NCF 2005 ) the curriculum for pre-service training of primary teachers is under process of redevelopment, this curriculum is going to be implemented from june 2015.
B) Selection grade training for primary teachers.
Selection grade training for primary teachers had been approved by G.R No. PRE 2007 /(754/07) PE-1, dated 28th feb 2008. According to this G.R selection grade training for primary teachers is being organized from 2011-14 by DIETs.
C) Traning and examinations for pre-primary teachers.
Training of durations 6 months and examinations are organized two times in the year for pre-primary teachers.