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महाराष्ट्र शासन

Publication Section

Publication Section


The Publication Section has been working since 1964. 'Jeevan Shikshan' magazine isbeing published on the 3rd of every month by the section. This magazine has been playing avital role in the qualitative improvement in the school education.At present there are 73,000 subscribers of this magazine which includes teachers,individuals, Primary Schools, D.Ed. andB.E.d. Colleges.Jeevan Shikshan magazine has a glorious tradition of more than 150 yearshaving playeda vital role in the qualitative improvement of school education, this magazine is rightlyconsidered a representative of the Dept. of School Education. Some special issues on variousacademic areas were published in this year. Besides Jeevan Shikshan, there are 32 publicationson various educational issues available for sale. Editing, reprinting and distribution are theworks run by this section.

Financial provision-

A provision for the subcription of the magazine for the LocalBody Primary Schools was made through 4% contingency Grants (vide G. R. dated3/12/2003) under the scheme of free distribution of magazine to Z. P. Schools (53831 PrimarySchools). In the year 2012-2013 the amount of Rs. 53,83,000/- was received and was spent.

Objectives of this Section:

To enrich the Primary Teachers' awareness regarding new education thoughts, new ideasin education, researchs, new techniques through Jeevan Shikshan magazine and thepublications.

  1. To render guidance to Primary School Teachers considering their needs and difficultiesin day - to - day teaching, through Jeevan Shikshan and other publications also.
  2. To participate in the production of educational material, produced by the other sectionsof MSCERT.
  3. To take active participation in educational activities under taken by MSCERT.
  4. To make available the educational publications to Primary Teachers according to theirneeds.

Production and Distribution of Jeevan Shikshan:

The size of the issue has been fixed as 8.5 ∗11 instead of 7.5 ∗9.5 cms.

  1. In order to provide an attractive appearance, Photos are included in articles andalso white maplitho paper is used for printing which has further enhanced itsattractiveness.
  2. To make each issue a comprehensive one, diverse articles like good thoughts,cross-word, puzzles, drawings, language vocabulary good jokes etc. are includedin every issue of Jeevan Shikshan.
  3. It is published on the 3rd day of every month and approximately 73,000 copies areprinted and distributed.

Newly Added Columns:

  1. Hitguj .....from Jan. 2012.
  2. My Novel Activity (For teachers)
  3. On Looking Behind ......
  4. Goshta Lahan, Artha Mahan .... From 2012.

Other Publications:

  1. Athavanitil Shala ani Shikshak
  2. Maza Vegala Upakram ....
  3. Prashna Manjusha
  4. R.T.E. 2009.

Other Works:

1.Organization of meetings of Advisory Committee for Editing:
It is essential to obtain the contribution of experienced Experts and Teachers as memberof advisory committee for editing in order to maintain the high standard of JeevanShikshan.The intention behind this is to raise the professional competency of the primary teacherand to inculcate the habit of looking critically towards Teaching-Learning process whichultimately gives motivation to the teachers.
A separate computer unit is established for publication section. Computers andcolour printers are used to design cover pages with the help of photoshop software andmailing lists of subscribers.
3.Use of U-dise:
Updating the list and addresses of schools districtwise talukawise with the help ofU-dise, review and checking the stock of publications are also done.

Co-operation with other Sections:

Publication Section has assisted in various tasks like printing of material, art work anddesigning of coverpage, training programmes, verification of printing bills and accounts ofEvalution Section, Training Section, Extention Section, and Curriculum Section of MSCERT,Pune.

Sr. No.


Details of the Programme



April 2012

Publication and Distribution of Jeevan Shikshan

MSCERT, Pune - 30.


May 2012

Publication and Distribution of Jeevan Shikshan

MSCERT, Pune - 30.


June 2012

Publication and Distribution of Jeevan Shikshan

MSCERT,Pune - 30.


July 2012

Publication and Distribution of Jeevan Shikshan

MSCERT,Pune - 30.


August 2012

Publication and Distribution of Jeevan Shikshan

MSCERT, Pune - 30.


Sept. 2012

Publication and Distribution of Jeevan Shikshan

MSCERT, Pune - 30.


Oct. 2012

Publication and Distribution of Jeevan Shikshan

MSCERT, Pune - 30.


Nov. 2012

Publication and Distribution of Jeevan Shikshan

MSCERT, Pune - 30.


Dec. 2012

Publication and Distribution of Jeevan Shikshan

MSCERT, Pune - 30.


Jan. 2013

Publication and Distribution of Jeevan Shikshan