NSQF अंतर्गत व्यावसायिक विषयांचा २५ % कमी करण्यात आलेल्या पाठ्यक्रमाबाबत
NSQF अंतर्गत विषयांचा २५ % पाठ्यक्रम
Apparel Std. 9th and Std. 10th
Automotive Std. 9th
Automotive Std. 10th
Automotive Std. 11th
Automotive Std. 12th
B & W Std. 9th to 12th
Electrical Std. 12th
Electronics Std. 9th
Electronics Std. 10th
Electronics Std. 11th
Electronics Std. 12th
Fabrication Std. 12th
Food Processing Std. 12th
Gardening Std. 12th
Healthcare Std. 9th
Healthcare Std. 11th
Healthcare Std. 12th
Media Std. 12th
Micro Irrigation Std. 11th and Std. 12th
Multiskill Std. 9th and Std. 10th
Plumbing Std. 9th
Power Std. 9th and Std. 10th
Retail Std. 9th and Std. 12th
Solanaceous Crop Std. 9th and Std. 10th
Sports Std. 12th
Tourism Std. 9th
Tourism Std. 10th
Tourism Std. 11th
Tourism Std. 12th
BFSI Std. 12th